Clinical Trials in Sjogren's Syndrome

 Clinical Trials in Sjogren's Syndrome


Examples of Clinical trials

DHEA Treatment for Sjogren's Syndrome "Although sex hormones do not cause SS or other autoimmune disease, they appear to influence immunological responses and ultimately the severity of disease. We propose to test the effects of dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a mildly androgenic adrenal hormone, on lacrimal and salivary gland function in SS. In a randomized, double-masked, outpatient protocol, patients will receive DHEA for 6 months."

Raptiva to treat SS  Raptiva is currently approved by the FDA to treat psoriasis, an inflammatory skin disease.

 What research is being done?

The goals of research on disorders such as Sjögren's syndrome focus on increasing knowledge and under-standing of the disorder, improving diagnostic techniques, and finding ways to treat, prevent, and cure the disease.

The International Sjögren's Registry gathers samples from Sjögren's patients. It is a collaborative group of clinical investigators from across the world work together to study individuals with Sjögren's syndrome and those who may have Sjögren's syndrome. This group is known as the Sjögren's International Collaborative Clinical Alliance (SICCA). Visit the Sjögren's Syndrome International Collaborative Clinical Alliance (SICCA) website for more information and see if you are qualified to participate.



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